Read our rules here before jumping in

General Rules

  • • If there is an issue please contact a staff member with proof of the incident.

  • • Follow sim instructions given by the Kiyori administration at all times.

  • • Notecards are preferred if needing to reach a staff member, as IMs tend to get lost.

  • • Kiyori is an adult rated sim. We are aware that not every space is adult, despite that we enforce that no underage avatars will be allowed anywhere in Kiyori. There will be no exceptions to this rule.

  • • A strict dress code will not be enforced unless specified otherwise. Please consider that the aim of Kiyori is to keep a modern day & realistic experience at all times. Asian stereotypes & mocking the cultures the sim inhabits will not be tolerated.

  • • Voice is allowed & available. However, keep in mind that not everyone has it enabled. If you're speaking to someone & they are not replying, assume they can't hear you & try an IM instead.

Roleplay (OOC) Rules

  • • While we encourage patrons of Kiyori to enjoy the city & get involved in RP, it is not a requirement & should not be forced on ANYONE who decides to visit & roam the city OOC

  • • Public spaces are considered IC. If you do not wish to involve yourself in any RP whatsoever, please use the Kiyori Addicted tag in our main group. Otherwise, please join the official Kiyori Roleplayers group or one of the Kiyori roleplay groups & keep your tag on, marking yourself as available for engagement.

  • • OOC insults will not be tolerated, nor will any other type of behavior that is generally considered abusive or offensive. Racism, politics, religious issues, abuse & other hot button topics are strictly off limits.

  • • The owner of the sim does NOT RP. Please, do not try to force it on her. Any contact with Jasmine should be OOC.

Roleplay (IC) Rules

  • • All role-play should be done through text. Although we allow voice, we are looking to develop Kiyori & it's lore through the writing of those who decide to play here, & as such prefer that our players engage in that matter.

  • • Gestures & the like will not be tolerated in local RP chat. If you are hanging out OOC & happen to be near a group of individuals who are role-playing, please mind your manners & do NOT spam local chat with your gestures.

  • • We are not looking to integrate any combat or fantasy type HUD into this sim. Any & all combat should be previously discussed between all parties involved & written out. All weapons (guns, etc.) should be worn only as props.

  • • God-modding & meta-gaming will not be tolerated. Ex. injuries & the likes will be handled realistically. Your character will not heal from a broken limb within a few hours. If you initiate RP with a member of law enforcement, a member of the local criminal group, or other combat ready characters, please be mindful & realistic in the way you handle yourself.

  • • Any & all sexually explicit role-play should be taken to IMs. We don't want to ruin your fun, but prefer you remain mindful of those around you. ** The ONE exception is the RLD. Feel free to engage openly in local chat, as long as both players have consented to the scene. Otherwise, keep it to IM!