Frequently Asked Questions regarding rentals within Kiyori


  • —Locate the unit you are interested in, and make a payment to the rental statue or box located directly in front of the unit.

    Each unit has a security orb that will NOT let you go inside unless you are the tenant. Attempting to enter will result in an automatic ejection from the orb. Upon rental you will be added to the access list as well as sent a group invite to rez.

  • —The security orb is meant to be on to avoid misuse of rentals. If you are interested in a unit, use your camera to look inside; when you pay the rental statue/box, you will be granted access inside.

  • —All units operate on a first come first serve basis, we will not reserve units in Kiyori.

  • —Yes, we have stalls and stores available, as well as apartment units that can be used commercially. You may run an RP business or actual business that generates income.

    Please get in contact with Jasmine Kiyori about what type of business you plan on owning to make sure it aligns with our rules.

  • —If there is an issue with positioning we will adjust it for you, but we will not remove items from furnished units. If you are not happy with the design, we advise that you opt for an unfurnished unit for full customization ability.

  • —Transfers to other units are allowed, however repeated swapping may incur additional fees. The time remaining on what you have already paid will be adjusted to the new unit. It will be up to you to pay the difference if the unit is a different price.

  • —We do not want breedable pets in Kiyori. They generate too much lag and generally are not suitable for community sims.

    Pets are allowed as long as the wandering function is disabled on the pet, this also generates a lot of lag.


  • —Upon rental, the group invite should be sent automatically. If you did not receive it…

    • For the main tenant and additional SUBADMINS

    —Click or RIGHT click and from the pie menu select "Touch" on the rental kiosk that you rented, there should be a button that says "Grp Invite" that will send you a group invitation required for rezzing.

    • How do I invite my friends to the group?
    —Click or RIGHT click and from the pie menu select "Touch" on the rental kiosk that you rented, a menu should appear, and there should be a button that says "Tenants" or “SUBADMINS” add the guest/s to the list. A group invite should send automatically, however, if it doesn't please refer to the above for the person to do.

  • —Of course, we just ask that its a realistic number of people depending on the size of the unit. Ex. no renting the tiniest apartment and squeezing 50 people into it. Visitors are welcome also.

  • —Yes, we do prefer (but do not enforce heavily) that if your vehicle comes with a decor version (meaning no scripts) that this is rezzed while you are not using it. You may have ONE vehicle rezzed at time.

  • —You are allowed to rez anywhere in Kiyori & Kiyori City, however, you MUST pick up all your stuff once you are finished in the area.

  • —No, We will not be allowing tenants to rez their own homes, units, skyboxes, or platforms. When renting you are renting the unit.

  • —We are not looking for bloggers, free promotion in exchange for free services, or anything similar. We are not offering rez rights to bloggers or anyone except those renting within the region. Tenants receive a group invite upon rental and may rez.


  • —We do not do refunds, however, compensation may be available on a case by case basis if something on our end isn't working correctly. This is not guaranteed, as these are rare cases, and will be dealt with individually.

  • —If you get banned for any reason or choose to leave before your rental time is up, a refund will not be issued. Your tier is considered forfeit.

    —If you are unsure about how long you'd like to stay, please pay by week rather than pay for multiple weeks at once.

  • —No, regardless of how you chose to use the unit, we will not refund because you didn't use it, the unit was taken away from potential tenants during that time, so we reserve the right to keep what was paid.

  • —No.

  • —We will not refund renting the incorrect unit, but we will transfer you to the correct one. Please contact Jasmine Kiyori if this is the case.


  • —Living in Kiyori does not mean you have to get involved in any RP, as RP is optional. Everyone can live in Kiyori.

  • —By clicking your security tablet located by the unit door, you will be able to disable, enable, and add guests to your security, you may ban people as well.

  • —The music stream may only be changed on private parcels, and not units that are on the main parcel of the region. If you aren’t sure about this, contact Jasmine Kiyori

  • —You are allowed to be nude or partake in adult activities in private areas, such as your unit, certain places in Kiyori (The RLD) However, you are not allowed to be nude or partake in adult activities in public spaces, because we are simulating a real world experience, just use your judgment on what would make sense in the real world.


  • —It is highly advised to block the person, and to save any evidence of the incident and to forward it to Jasmine Kiyori so it can be dealt with properly.

  • —If none of these were able to answer your question, please contact Jasmine Kiyori directly, this is the only person who is able to assist, please do not message any of the bots, they are not configured to answer your questions.

Ready to rent with us?

We’re eager to give you a memorable experience.