

Some places may be marked as 18+ when the place itself is not, but is located on the Adult region. If you absolutely do not want to risk encountering anything that may be inappropriate, do not visit the Adult region or any place marked with 18+


Seiryu Blues Lounge & Bar is the latest jazz club to hit the scene. Seiryu is a uniquely Japanese take on traditional jazz clubs. We serve as a one-of-a-kind adult nightlife experience in a cozy yet classy atmosphere. Grab a drink and seat yourself at the bar and mingle or lounge on the couches and listen to the musical fusion of modern American jazz meets Japanese culture.


As you wander more inward towards Downtown Kiyori, you will find numerous bars and music lounges, this includes the famous Seoul Karaoke Lounge! Seoul Karaoke Lounge has a rate of L$150 per 15 minutes for a private noraebang (korean karaoke) room filled with glitz and lavish Korean decor! Sing your heart out to K-POP classics with your friends, the lounge is on a private parcel so no one outside the lounge can hear and the music station features the latest K-POP songs! You may also utilize the TV to put on any song you'd like!


Cat Cafe Kariko is a cat cafe located in Kiyori City, & is a wonderful spot to relax & hang out with cute cats! To maintain a relaxed & chill atmosphere, this is a members only location accessible through paying a one time fee to the cat statue. Cat Cafe Kariko has plenty of areas to lounge with cats, eat cute cat themed pastries, listen to J-POP, and enjoy live music shows when they are on schedule.


Welcome home, Master/Mistress! When you step into Sakura Maid Cafe, you will feel like you're at home! This cafe is unlike any other within Kiyori, as it is decorated in a kawaii, pink, very very cute atmosphere! Enjoy J-POP & live music shows when they are on schedule.


The Jigoku Room is a seedy Japanese Rock bar located in one of the alleys of Kiyori. Hang out at the bar, laze on the upstairs couches, play pool, practice your guitar skills... Look here to channel your inner rock star or expand your music taste!